About Lionstone
Founded in 2019, Lionstone Capital Management is the general partner and investment advisor of two sub-funds, investing into the Dutch and Luxembourg real estate markets. Lionstone’s team accompanies the construction projects from the acquisition to the marketing and execution. As of today, the company counts 22 development projects in Luxembourg and a Dutch rental portfolio of 204 units.
With regard to their invoicing management, Lionstone’s team was primarily relying on Excel. This method resulted in an error-prone billing process, introducing inefficiencies into their operations. The time-consuming nature of their process had significant repercussions, adversely affecting overall efficiency in client interactions and financial management.
Enhancing efficiency through streamlined and automated invoicing processes
The implementation of kodehyve OS marked a significant turning point for Lionstone. The automation of invoicing for instalments and supplements not only saved valuable time but also eradicated errors linked to manual data entry. Additionally, kodehyve OS streamlines Lionstone’s process by automatically linking instalment invoices to the clients’ provisional payment plan defined in the notarial deed, ensuring a smoother workflow.
Increasing pricing transparency and alignment with market conditions
Lionstone can ensure accuracy in pricing throughout the property development and purchase journey thanks to the price indices functionality where they can set base price indices for entire projects as well as specific investors. The index feature automatically incorporates price adjustments linked to indexation updates in invoices, maintaining alignment with evolving market conditions. The computation of price indices not only provides flexibility but also enhances transparency for buyers, fostering a clear understanding of the pricing dynamics within the real estate transactions.
Achieving unprecedented control over project finances through data centralisation
The streamlined invoicing process facilitated by kodehyve OS saves time while ensuring quick access to consolidated information, offering a clear overview of the financial status of Lionstone’s projects through visual data dashboards. Using kodehyve OS as a comprehensive management tool, the Lionstone team benefits from an accurate and global perspective on their activities, eliminating the need to navigate through numerous files and tools.
Thanks to the invoicing and finance dashboards, the Lionstone team can gain an instantaneous and visual overview of key financial metrics.
"The invoicing dashboard has proven to be highly convenient, providing an instant snapshot of statuses for ongoing invoices. This includes insights into the involvement of our subcontractors and clients, making our monitoring and management processes faster." added Agathe.

The kodehyve OS finance dashboard provides an insightful breakdown of expected, realised and invoiced revenues and expenses.
The integration of kodehyve OS has truly enhanced Lionstone’s financial operations, creating a cohesive and efficient workflow from invoicing to comprehensive project and financial management, enabling effortless profitability tracking.

Results, impact and perspectives
kodehyve OS has enabled Lionstone to achieve tangible results, cutting invoicing time sixfold and eliminating errors. The platform's automation and price indexing features have significantly enhanced efficiency while ensuring precise and consistent transaction data and pricing accuracy. Lionstone experiences significant control over project finances through centralised data, enabling swift access to consolidated information. The intuitive dashboards provide real-time overviews, accelerating monitoring, reporting and associated management processes.